Smart Contracts
Copper etchings glistened across the green circuit board like the late night streets of a bustling city. “This is a relic!” Novic stated while waving the board haphazardly in his hand at his customer. “This might be a complicated one, but how about I agree to do this for you for free, as long as I get to keep this thing.” “You’d be doing me two favours,” answered a nervous looking man trying to smile gratefully but only making himself look more distraught....
Diplomacy Espionage Ineptitude 001
A clean table with two plates clean of food stood between Jocer and Ifian. The latter holding a quickly emptying mug of Dwarven Ale – unwitting courtesy of his table neighbour – and expressing his feeling of newfound homesickness towards: “… hair that can break a shaving razor if they tried to use it! And that’s just the women, the …” “The brothel itself clean I hope,” was the only thing Jocer could think of to steer the conversation to a more mentally hospitable area without being too rude to his good friend....